Ep. 58 5 Ways To Support Your Immune Health & Create Overall Resiliency

Our immune system is our biggest protection against acute or chronic threats, learn how you can strengthen yours today and for a lifetime!

Walk away with tangible tips to start implementing into your lifestyle for better health, not just now--but always!

Links mentioned:

Pique tea (vitamin c and elderberry packs) Code DRHALIE

Kettle and Fire Code DRHALIE

Immune support Protocol

Join the alpha health membership

Connect with Dr. Halie on instagram @drhalieschoff and @alpha.chiro.health.wellness


Ep. 59 Pro-Metabolic, Nutrient Dense vs Anti-nutrients and Sustainable Farming w/ Ashley Armstrong from the @strongsistas


Ep. 57 Can Fragrance Impact Fertility? All Things Non-Tox Living w/@InOnAround